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WISE/R Symposium 2019: A Personal Perspective


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Guest Blog Post by Nicole Carter, WISE Within Mentee 2018 + Coordinator, Distribution and Partner Marketing for Pac-12 Networks

June 2019 -- The WISE/R Symposium is an annual, one-of-a-kind conference that offers the invaluable opportunity to learn from top sports industry leaders, to connect with peers, and to participate in interactive sessions focused on personal and professional development.

Starting off the WISE/R Symposium was Jean Chatzky who took the stage to speak about, “Real Power: Women with Money.” She challenged the audience to reflect on what financial satisfaction means to each of us and how we can spark confidence in ourselves to use money to get what we want. The most poignant question she asked us was, “what is your money story?” -- meaning, how money was framed in our childhood might affect how we view money and our financial situation today.

To conclude the morning was an epic session with Eric Hutcherson, EVP, Chief Human Resources Office, at the NBA. My top three takeaways from Eric’s session were: 

1.) Understand that you are always on an interview, regardless of time and place.

2.) Learn how to maximize your monetized value to reach your personal and professional goals.

3.) Though often overused, Eric reinforced the power of under promising and over delivering. To be known for immaculate execution is of utmost importance as you build your career.

The productive lunch session provided us time to thoughtfully construct our personal and professional goals. To finish, we played a game show-style round of “Big Excuse Bingo,” which illuminated the excuses we tell ourselves on a daily basis that keep us from achieving our goals. Calling these out (i.e., I’m too tired to go to the gym; There’s not enough time in the day to practice self-care”) was an invaluable way to bring our self-imposed hurdles into the limelight so we can kick them to the curb when they show up in our inner monologue!

The brick and mortar panel of the afternoon was focused on correcting unconscious gender bias in our homes and workplace. Serena Fong, Vice President of Strategic Engagement at Catalyst, was the keynote speaker on this panel. One particular suggestion that stood out to me was when she encouraged every woman in the audience to support other females through micro-advocacy in the workplace, like getting coworkers on-board before a big call; the ultimate goal of which is to shift concentration away from examples of micro-aggression.

Last on the agenda was the “Master Class” panel with our three 2019 WISE Women of the Year honorees. I’ll conclude with one short quote from each woman that truly moved me and amplified the power of the day tenfold:

  • “Don’t give up your voice for inclusion and a seat at the table.” -- Janet Fletcher, Director, Olympics & Sports Marketing, P&G
  • “The day I realized I didn’t want to be in the boys club, my life changed.” -- Suzanne Smith, Producer and Director, CBS Sports
  • “My past is littered with the bones of the men who underestimated me.” -- Michele Roberts, Executive Director, National Basketball Players Association

At the end of the day, I left feeling inspired and excited to relay my favorite takeaways to our SF Bay Area Chapter and my team at Pac-12 Networks. It was a true honor to help represent the Bay Area and a privilege to spend the day learning from so many female change-makers.


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